City Council Candidate: Dave Babcock


1) What do you think our City has successfully done the past 5 years?

I feel they have not done enough.

2) What do you think is our biggest challenge in the next 5? Affordable housing.

3) What are your biggest strengths as a candidate?

I listen to what the people of Woodstock have to say

4) What will make you more successful than others at addressing the issues our downtown faces?As a retiree, I have seen the ups and downs the City of Woodstock has faced and have a better idea of what is and isn’t good for the city. Being retired, I would have more time for thoughts and research.

5) What would your biggest 3 priorities be as a councillor? Stabilizing Taxes, Affordable Housing, Homelessness

6) How important is affordable housing to you as a candidate and what do you believe the role of a City Councillor is at addressing it? Any concrete ideas?We are in need of more affordable housing and need to cut down the waiting time. 10 years of waiting is too long

7) Do you see a role for collaboration between municipal council and school board trustees? If yes, in what capacity?If no, why not? Yes. The school board should be accountable to city/county council as to where the school board money goes beings it comes out of our taxes paid to the city.

8) Anything else you would like to tell me/my followers about you?  I am retired and willing to devote my time to the city and I’d like to do something to vitalize the downtown.